Game Controller Collective Wiki

HID Interface[]

This gamepad is a variation of the Sony DualShock 4 that matches most of its interface.


MAC / Serial Number[]

MAC is present as hex string Serial Number on BT.


The battery temperature value is always 0x00.

Pad Resolution[]

This pad's data resolution is close to that of a DS4, but slightly different. In normal use this is not noticeable.

Enable Bits[]

On Bluetooth the SetStateData.EnableRumbleUpdate flag has no affect. The SetStateData.EnableLedUpdate flag does double duty allowing both rumble and LED color setting. LED colors of 0x000000 are ignored.

Report Summaries[]

Gamory 2075B/Report Summaries


Gamory 2075B/HID Descriptors

Data Structures[]

Gamory 2075B/Data Structures
