Game Controller Collective Wiki

HID Interface[]

This gamepad is a variation of the Sony DualShock 4 that matches most of its interface.


MAC / Serial Number[]

MAC is accessible by Feature Read on USB. MAC is present as hex string Serial Number on BT.


The battery temperature value is always 0x00.

Pad Resolution and Shape[]

This pad's data resolution is close to that of a DS4, but slightly different. In normal use this is not noticeable. The pad has an unusual shape which, unlike other pads with odd shaped pads, actually reflects the shape in the data.

 0,0 __________________________ 1918,0
     \                        /
      \                      /
       \                    /
223,940 \__________________/ 1705,940

Enable Bits[]

On USB the bits SetStateData.Enable* appear to work as intended. On Bluetooth the SetStateData.EnableRumbleUpdate flag has no affect. The SetStateData.EnableLedUpdate flag does double duty allowing both rumble and LED color setting. It is impossible to set rumble and and not set the LED color or visa-versa on Bluetooth.

Report Summaries[]

P4 Gamepad Q300/Report Summaries


P4 Gamepad Q300/HID Descriptors

Data Structures[]

P4 Gamepad Q300/Data Structures
