Game Controller Collective Wiki

Common Structures[]

// C++11 allows setting enum base type. If enum sizes cannot be assured please use the indicated base types instead of the enum types.
enum Direction : uint8_t {
    North = 0,
    None = 8

enum PowerState : uint8_t {
    Discharging         = 0x00, // Use PowerPercent
    Charging            = 0x01, // Use PowerPercent
    Complete            = 0x02, // PowerPercent not valid? assume 100%?
    AbnormalVoltage     = 0x0A, // PowerPercent not valid?
    AbnormalTemperature = 0x0B, // PowerPercent not valid?
    ChargingError       = 0x0F  // PowerPercent not valid?

enum MuteLight : uint8_t {
    Off = 0,
    DoNothing, // literally nothing, this input is ignored,
               // though it might be a faster blink in other versions
    NoAction7= 7

enum LightBrightness : uint8_t {
    Bright = 0,
    NoAction7= 7

enum LightFadeAnimation : uint8_t {
    Nothing = 0,
    FadeIn, // from black to blue
    FadeOut // from blue to black

template<int N> struct BTCRC {
    uint8_t[N-4] Buff;
    uint32_t CRC;

FFB Trigger Effect Factories[]

Code hidden due to length: expand to view code in place. See: Github Gist for latest version of this code.

 * MIT License
 * Copyright (c) 2021-2022 John "Nielk1" Klein
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
 * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
 * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
 * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
 * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
 * copies or substantial portions of the Software.

using System;
using System.Linq;

namespace ExtendInput.DataTools.DualSense
    /// <remarks>
    /// Actual effect byte values sent to the controller. More complex effects may be build through the combination of these
    /// values and specific paramaters.
    /// </remarks>
    public enum TriggerEffectType : byte
        // Offically recognized modes
        // These are 100% safe and are the only effects that modify the trigger status nybble
        Off       = 0x05, // 00 00 0 101
        Feedback  = 0x21, // 00 10 0 001
        Weapon    = 0x25, // 00 10 0 101
        Vibration = 0x26, // 00 10 0 110

        // Unofficial but unique effects left in the firmware
        // These might be removed in the future
        Bow       = 0x22, // 00 10 0 010
        Galloping = 0x23, // 00 10 0 011
        Machine   = 0x27, // 00 10 0 111

        // Leftover versions of offical modes with simpler logic and no paramater protections
        // These should not be used
        Simple_Feedback  = 0x01, // 00 00 0 001
        Simple_Weapon    = 0x02, // 00 00 0 010
        Simple_Vibration = 0x06, // 00 00 0 110

        // Leftover versions of offical modes with limited paramater ranges
        // These should not be used
        Limited_Feedback = 0x11, // 00 01 0 001
        Limited_Weapon   = 0x12, // 00 01 0 010

        // Debug or Calibration functions
        // Don't use these as they will courrupt the trigger state until the reset button is pressed
        DebugFC = 0xFC, // 11 11 1 100
        DebugFD = 0xFD, // 11 11 1 101
        DebugFE = 0xFE, // 11 11 1 110

     * Changelog
     * Revision 1: Initial
     * Revision 2: Added Apple approximated adapter factories. (This may not be correct, please test if you have access to Apple APIs.)
     *             Added Sony factories that use Sony's names.
     *             Added Raw factories for Resistance and AutomaticGun that give direct access to bit-packed region data.
     *             Added ReWASD factories that replicate reWASD effects, warts and all.
     *             Trigger enumerations now public and wrapper classes static.
     *             Minor documentation fixes.
     * Revision 3: Corrected Apple factories based on new capture log tests that show only simple rounding was needed.
     * Revision 4: Added 3 new Apple factories based on documentation and capture logs.
     *             These effects are not fully confirmed and are poorly documented even in Apple's docs.
     *             Two of these new effects are similar to our existing raw effect functions.
     * Revision 5: Reorganized and renamed functions and paramaters to be more inline with Sony's API.
     *             Information on the API was exposed by Apple and now further Steamworks version 1.55.
     *             Information is offically source from Apple documentation and Steamworks via logging
     *             HID writes to device based in inputs to new Steamworks functions. Interestingly, my
     *             Raw factories now have equivilents in Sony's offical API and will also be renamed.
     *             Full change list:
     *               TriggerEffectType Enum is re-organized for clarity and comment typoes corrected
     *               TriggerEffectType.Reset is now TriggerEffectType.Off
     *               TriggerEffectType.Resistance is now TriggerEffectType.Feedback
     *               TriggerEffectType.SemiAutomaticGun is now TriggerEffectType.Weapon
     *               TriggerEffectType.AutomaticGun is now TriggerEffectType.Vibration
     *               TriggerEffectType.SimpleResistance is now TriggerEffectType.Simple_Feedback
     *               TriggerEffectType.SimpleSemiAutomaticGun is now TriggerEffectType.Simple_Weapon
     *               TriggerEffectType.SimpleAutomaticGun is now TriggerEffectType.Simple_Vibration
     *               TriggerEffectType.LimitedResistance is now TriggerEffectType.Limited_Feedback
     *               TriggerEffectType.LimitedSemiAutomaticGun is now TriggerEffectType.Limited_Weapon
     *               -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *               TriggerEffectGenerator.Reset(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex) is now TriggerEffectGenerator.Off(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex)
     *               TriggerEffectGenerator.Resistance(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte start, byte force) is now TriggerEffectGenerator.Feedback(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte position, byte strength)
     *               TriggerEffectGenerator.SemiAutomaticGun(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte start, byte end, byte force) is now TriggerEffectGenerator.Weapon(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte startPosition, byte endPosition, byte strength)
     *               TriggerEffectGenerator.AutomaticGun(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte start, byte strength, byte frequency) is now TriggerEffectGenerator.Vibration(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte position, byte amplitude, byte frequency)
     *               -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *               TriggerEffectGenerator.Bow(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte start, byte end, byte force, byte snapForce) is now TriggerEffectGenerator.
     *               TriggerEffectGenerator.Galloping(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte start, byte end, byte firstFoot, byte secondFoot, byte frequency) is now TriggerEffectGenerator.Galloping(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte startPosition, byte endPosition, byte firstFoot, byte secondFoot, byte frequency)
     *               TriggerEffectGenerator.Machine(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte start, byte end, byte strengthA, byte strengthB, byte frequency, byte period) is now TriggerEffectGenerator.Machine(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte startPosition, byte endPosition, byte amplitudeA, byte amplitudeB, byte frequency, byte period)
     *               -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *               TriggerEffectGenerator.SimpleResistance(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte start, byte force) is now TriggerEffectGenerator.Simple_Feedback(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte position, byte strength)
     *               TriggerEffectGenerator.SimpleSemiAutomaticGun(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte start, byte end, byte force) is now TriggerEffectGenerator.Simple_Weapon(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte startPosition, byte endPosition, byte strength)
     *               TriggerEffectGenerator.SimpleAutomaticGun(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte start, byte strength, byte frequency) is now TriggerEffectGenerator.Simple_Vibration(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte position, byte amplitude, byte frequency)
     *               -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *               TriggerEffectGenerator.LimitedResistance(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte start, byte force) is now TriggerEffectGenerator.Limited_Feedback(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte position, byte strength)
     *               TriggerEffectGenerator.LimitedSemiAutomaticGun(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte start, byte end, byte force) is now TriggerEffectGenerator.Limited_Weapon(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte startPosition, byte endPosition, byte strength)
     *               -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *               TriggerEffectGenerator.Raw.ResistanceRaw(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte[] force) is now TriggerEffectGenerator.MultiplePositionFeedback(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte[] strength)
     *               TriggerEffectGenerator.Raw.AutomaticGunRaw(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte[] strength, byte frequency) is now TriggerEffectGenerator.MultiplePositionVibration(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte frequency, byte[] amplitude)
     * Revision 6: Fixed MultiplePositionVibration not using frequency paramater.

    /// <summary>
    /// DualSense controller trigger effect generators.
    /// Revision: 6
    /// If you are converting from offical Sony code you will need to convert your chosen effect enum to its chosen factory
    /// function and your paramater struct to paramaters for that function. Please also note that you will need to track the
    /// controller's currently set effect yourself. Note that all effect factories will return false and not modify the
    /// destinationArray if invalid paramaters are used. If paramaters that would result in zero effect are used, the
    /// <see cref="TriggerEffectType.Off">Off</see> effect is applied instead in line with Sony's offical behavior.
    /// All Unofficial, simple, and limited effects are defined as close to the offical effect implementations as possible.
    /// </summary>
    public static class TriggerEffectGenerator
        #region Offical Effects
        /// <summary>
        /// Turn the trigger effect off and return the trigger stop to the neutral position.
        /// This is an offical effect and is expected to be present in future DualSense firmware.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="destinationArray">The byte[] that receives the data.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the destinationArray at which storing begins.</param>
        /// <returns>The success of the effect write.</returns>
        static public bool Off(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex)
            destinationArray[destinationIndex +  0] = (byte)TriggerEffectType.Off;
            destinationArray[destinationIndex +  1] = 0x00;
            destinationArray[destinationIndex +  2] = 0x00;
            destinationArray[destinationIndex +  3] = 0x00;
            destinationArray[destinationIndex +  4] = 0x00;
            destinationArray[destinationIndex +  5] = 0x00;
            destinationArray[destinationIndex +  6] = 0x00;
            destinationArray[destinationIndex +  7] = 0x00;
            destinationArray[destinationIndex +  8] = 0x00;
            destinationArray[destinationIndex +  9] = 0x00;
            destinationArray[destinationIndex + 10] = 0x00;
            return true;

        /// <summary>
        /// Trigger will resist movement beyond the start position.
        /// The trigger status nybble will report 0 before the effect and 1 when in the effect.
        /// This is an offical effect and is expected to be present in future DualSense firmware.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="destinationArray">The byte[] that receives the data.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the destinationArray at which storing begins.</param>
        /// <param name="position">The starting zone of the trigger effect. Must be between 0 and 9 inclusive.</param>
        /// <param name="strength">The force of the resistance. Must be between 0 and 8 inclusive.</param>
        /// <returns>The success of the effect write.</returns>
        static public bool Feedback(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte position, byte strength)
            if (position > 9)
                return false;
            if (strength > 8)
                return false;
            if (strength > 0)
                byte forceValue = (byte)((strength - 1) & 0x07);
                UInt32 forceZones  = 0;
                UInt16 activeZones = 0;
                for (int i = position; i < 10; i++)
                    forceZones  |= (UInt32)(forceValue << (3 * i));
                    activeZones |= (UInt16)(1 << i);

                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  0] = (byte)TriggerEffectType.Feedback;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  1] = (byte)((activeZones >> 0) & 0xff);
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  2] = (byte)((activeZones >> 8) & 0xff);
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  3] = (byte)((forceZones >>  0) & 0xff);
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  4] = (byte)((forceZones >>  8) & 0xff);
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  5] = (byte)((forceZones >> 16) & 0xff);
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  6] = (byte)((forceZones >> 24) & 0xff);
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  7] = 0x00; // (byte)((forceZones >> 32) & 0xff); // need 64bit for this, but we already have enough space
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  8] = 0x00; // (byte)((forceZones >> 40) & 0xff); // need 64bit for this, but we already have enough space
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  9] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 10] = 0x00;
                return true;
            return Off(destinationArray, destinationIndex);

        /// <summary>
        /// Trigger will resist movement beyond the start position until the end position.
        /// The trigger status nybble will report 0 before the effect and 1 when in the effect,
        /// and 2 after until again before the start position.
        /// This is an offical effect and is expected to be present in future DualSense firmware.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="destinationArray">The byte[] that receives the data.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the destinationArray at which storing begins.</param>
        /// <param name="startPosition">The starting zone of the trigger effect. Must be between 2 and 7 inclusive.</param>
        /// <param name="endPosition">The ending zone of the trigger effect. Must be between <paramref name="startPosition"/>+1 and 8 inclusive.</param>
        /// <param name="strength">The force of the resistance. Must be between 0 and 8 inclusive.</param>
        /// <returns>The success of the effect write.</returns>
        static public bool Weapon(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte startPosition, byte endPosition, byte strength)
            if (startPosition > 7 || startPosition < 2)
                return false;
            if (endPosition > 8)
                return false;
            if (endPosition <= startPosition)
                return false;
            if (strength > 8)
                return false;
            if (strength > 0)
                UInt16 startAndStopZones = (UInt16)((1 << startPosition) | (1 << endPosition));

                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  0] = (byte)TriggerEffectType.Weapon;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  1] = (byte)((startAndStopZones >> 0) & 0xff);
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  2] = (byte)((startAndStopZones >> 8) & 0xff);
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  3] = (byte)(strength - 1); // this is actually packed into 3 bits, but since it's only one why bother with the fancy code?
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  4] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  5] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  6] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  7] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  8] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  9] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 10] = 0x00;
                return true;
            return Off(destinationArray, destinationIndex);
        /// <summary>
        /// Trigger will vibrate with the input amplitude and frequency beyond the start position.
        /// The trigger status nybble will report 0 before the effect and 1 when in the effect.
        /// This is an offical effect and is expected to be present in future DualSense firmware.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="destinationArray">The byte[] that receives the data.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the destinationArray at which storing begins.</param>
        /// <param name="position">The starting zone of the trigger effect. Must be between 0 and 9 inclusive.</param>
        /// <param name="amplitude">Strength of the automatic cycling action. Must be between 0 and 8 inclusive.</param>
        /// <param name="frequency">Frequency of the automatic cycling action in hertz.</param>
        /// <returns>The success of the effect write.</returns>
        static public bool Vibration(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte position, byte amplitude, byte frequency)
            if (position > 9)
                return false;
            if (amplitude > 8)
                return false;
            if (amplitude > 0 && frequency > 0)
                byte strengthValue = (byte)((amplitude - 1) & 0x07);
                UInt32 amplitudeZones = 0;
                UInt16 activeZones    = 0;
                for (int i = position; i < 10; i++)
                    amplitudeZones |= (UInt32)(strengthValue << (3 * i));
                    activeZones   |= (UInt16)(1 << i);

                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  0] = (byte)TriggerEffectType.Vibration;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  1] = (byte)((activeZones    >>  0) & 0xff);
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  2] = (byte)((activeZones    >>  8) & 0xff);
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  3] = (byte)((amplitudeZones >>  0) & 0xff);
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  4] = (byte)((amplitudeZones >>  8) & 0xff);
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  5] = (byte)((amplitudeZones >> 16) & 0xff);
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  6] = (byte)((amplitudeZones >> 24) & 0xff);
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  7] = 0x00; // (byte)((strengthZones >> 32) & 0xff); // need 64bit for this, but we already have enough space
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  8] = 0x00; // (byte)((strengthZones >> 40) & 0xff); // need 64bit for this, but we already have enough space
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  9] = frequency;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 10] = 0x00;
                return true;
            return Off(destinationArray, destinationIndex);

        /// <summary>
        /// Trigger will resist movement at varrying strengths in 10 regions.
        /// This is an offical effect and is expected to be present in future DualSense firmware.
        /// </summary>
        /// <seealso cref="Feedback(byte[], int, byte, byte)"/>
        /// <param name="destinationArray">The byte[] that receives the data.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the destinationArray at which storing begins.</param>
        /// <param name="strength">Array of 10 resistance values for zones 0 through 9. Must be between 0 and 8 inclusive.</param>
        /// <returns>The success of the effect write.</returns>
        static public bool MultiplePositionFeedback(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte[] strength)
            if (strength.Length != 10) return false;

            if (strength.Any(dr => dr > 0))
                UInt32 forceZones  = 0;
                UInt16 activeZones = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    if (strength[i] > 0)
                        byte forceValue = (byte)((strength[i] - 1) & 0x07);
                        forceZones  |= (UInt32)(forceValue << (3 * i));
                        activeZones |= (UInt16)(1 << i);

                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 0] = (byte)TriggerEffectType.Feedback;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 1] = (byte)((activeZones >> 0) & 0xff);
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 2] = (byte)((activeZones >> 8) & 0xff);
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 3] = (byte)((forceZones >>  0) & 0xff);
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 4] = (byte)((forceZones >>  8) & 0xff);
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 5] = (byte)((forceZones >> 16) & 0xff);
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 6] = (byte)((forceZones >> 24) & 0xff);
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 7] = 0x00; // (byte)((forceZones >> 32) & 0xff); // need 64bit for this, but we already have enough space
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 8] = 0x00; // (byte)((forceZones >> 40) & 0xff); // need 64bit for this, but we already have enough space
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 9] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 10] = 0x00;
                return true;
            return Off(destinationArray, destinationIndex);

        /// <summary>
        /// Trigger will resist movement at a linear range of strengths.
        /// This is an offical effect and is expected to be present in future DualSense firmware.
        /// </summary>
        /// <seealso cref="Feedback(byte[], int, byte, byte)"/>
        /// <param name="destinationArray">The byte[] that receives the data.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the destinationArray at which storing begins.</param>
        /// <param name="startPosition">The starting zone of the trigger effect. Must be between 0 and 8 inclusive.</param>
        /// <param name="endPosition">The ending zone of the trigger effect. Must be between <paramref name="startPosition"/>+1 and 9 inclusive.</param>
        /// <param name="startStrength">The force of the resistance at the start. Must be between 1 and 8 inclusive.</param>
        /// <param name="endStrength">The force of the resistance at the end. Must be between 1 and 8 inclusive.</param>
        /// <returns>The success of the effect write.</returns>
        static public bool SlopeFeedback(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte startPosition, byte endPosition, byte startStrength, byte endStrength)
            if (startPosition > 8 || startPosition < 0)
                return false;
            if (endPosition > 9)
                return false;
            if (endPosition <= startPosition)
                return false;
            if (startStrength > 8)
                return false;
            if (startStrength < 1)
                return false;
            if (endStrength > 8)
                return false;
            if (endStrength < 1)
                return false;

            byte[] strength = new byte[10];
            float slope = 1.0f * (endStrength - startStrength) / (endPosition - startPosition);
            for (int i = (int)startPosition; i < 10; i++)
                if (i <= endPosition)
                    strength[i] = (byte)Math.Round(startStrength + slope * (i - startPosition));
                    strength[i] = endStrength;

            return MultiplePositionFeedback(destinationArray, destinationIndex, strength);

        /// <summary>
        /// Trigger will vibrate movement at varrying amplitudes and one frequency in 10 regions.
        /// This is an offical effect and is expected to be present in future DualSense firmware.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Note this factory's results may not perform as expected.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <seealso cref="Vibration(byte[], int, byte, byte, byte)"/>
        /// <param name="destinationArray">The byte[] that receives the data.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the destinationArray at which storing begins.</param>
        /// <param name="amplitude">Array of 10 strength values for zones 0 through 9. Must be between 0 and 8 inclusive.</param>
        /// <param name="frequency">Frequency of the automatic cycling action in hertz.</param>
        /// <returns>The success of the effect write.</returns>
        static public bool MultiplePositionVibration(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte frequency, byte[] amplitude)
            if (amplitude.Length != 10) return false;

            if (frequency > 0 && amplitude.Any(dr => dr > 0))
                UInt32 strengthZones = 0;
                UInt16 activeZones   = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    if (amplitude[i] > 0)
                        byte strengthValue = (byte)((amplitude[i] - 1) & 0x07);
                        strengthZones |= (UInt32)(strengthValue << (3 * i));
                        activeZones   |= (UInt16)(1 << i);

                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  0] = (byte)TriggerEffectType.Vibration;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  1] = (byte)((activeZones >> 0) & 0xff);
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  2] = (byte)((activeZones >> 8) & 0xff);
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  3] = (byte)((strengthZones >>  0) & 0xff);
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  4] = (byte)((strengthZones >>  8) & 0xff);
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  5] = (byte)((strengthZones >> 16) & 0xff);
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  6] = (byte)((strengthZones >> 24) & 0xff);
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  7] = 0x00; // (byte)((forceZones >> 32) & 0xff); // need 64bit for this, but we already have enough space
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  8] = 0x00; // (byte)((forceZones >> 40) & 0xff); // need 64bit for this, but we already have enough space
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  9] = frequency;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 10] = 0x00;
                return true;
            return Off(destinationArray, destinationIndex);
        #endregion Offical Effects

        #region Unofficial but Unique Effects
        /// <summary>
        /// The effect resembles the <see cref="Weapon(byte[], int, byte, byte, byte)">Weapon</see>
        /// effect, however there is a snap-back force that attempts to reset the trigger.
        /// This is not an offical effect and may be removed in a future DualSense firmware.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="destinationArray">The byte[] that receives the data.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the destinationArray at which storing begins.</param>
        /// <param name="startPosition">The starting zone of the trigger effect. Must be between 0 and 8 inclusive.</param>
        /// <param name="endPosition">The ending zone of the trigger effect. Must be between <paramref name="startPosition"/>+1 and 8 inclusive.</param>
        /// <param name="strength">The force of the resistance. Must be between 0 and 8 inclusive.</param>
        /// <param name="snapForce">The force of the snap-back. Must be between 0 and 8 inclusive.</param>
        /// <returns>The success of the effect write.</returns>
        static public bool Bow(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte startPosition, byte endPosition, byte strength, byte snapForce)
            if (startPosition > 8)
                return false;
            if (endPosition > 8)
                return false;
            if (startPosition >= endPosition)
                return false;
            if (strength > 8)
                return false;
            if (snapForce > 8)
                return false;
            if (endPosition > 0 && strength > 0 && snapForce > 0)
                UInt16 startAndStopZones = (UInt16)((1 << startPosition) | (1 << endPosition));
                UInt32 forcePair = (UInt32)((((strength  - 1) & 0x07) << (3 * 0))
                                          | (((snapForce - 1) & 0x07) << (3 * 1)));

                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  0] = (byte)TriggerEffectType.Bow;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  1] = (byte)((startAndStopZones >> 0) & 0xff);
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  2] = (byte)((startAndStopZones >> 8) & 0xff);
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  3] = (byte)((forcePair >> 0) & 0xff);
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  4] = (byte)((forcePair >> 8) & 0xff);
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  5] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  6] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  7] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  8] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  9] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 10] = 0x00;
                return true;
            return Off(destinationArray, destinationIndex);

        /// <summary>
        /// Trigger will oscillate in a rythmic pattern resembling galloping. Note that the
        /// effect is only discernable at low frequency values.
        /// This is not an offical effect and may be removed in a future DualSense firmware.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="destinationArray">The byte[] that receives the data.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the destinationArray at which storing begins.</param>
        /// <param name="startPosition">The starting zone of the trigger effect. Must be between 0 and 8 inclusive.</param>
        /// <param name="endPosition">The ending zone of the trigger effect. Must be between <paramref name="startPosition"/>+1 and 9 inclusive.</param>
        /// <param name="firstFoot">Position of second foot in cycle. Must be between 0 and 6 inclusive.</param>
        /// <param name="secondFoot">Position of second foot in cycle. Must be between <paramref name="firstFoot"/>+1 and 7 inclusive.</param>
        /// <param name="frequency">Frequency of the automatic cycling action in hertz.</param>
        /// <returns>The success of the effect write.</returns>
        static public bool Galloping(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte startPosition, byte endPosition, byte firstFoot, byte secondFoot, byte frequency)
            if (startPosition > 8)
                return false;
            if (endPosition > 9)
                return false;
            if (startPosition >= endPosition)
                return false;
            if (secondFoot > 7)
                return false;
            if (firstFoot > 6)
                return false;
            if (firstFoot >= secondFoot)
                return false;
            if (frequency > 0)
                UInt16 startAndStopZones = (UInt16)((1 << startPosition) | (1 << endPosition));
                UInt32 timeAndRatio = (UInt32)(((secondFoot & 0x07) << (3 * 0))
                                             | ((firstFoot  & 0x07) << (3 * 1)));

                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  0] = (byte)TriggerEffectType.Galloping;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  1] = (byte)((startAndStopZones >> 0) & 0xff);
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  2] = (byte)((startAndStopZones >> 8) & 0xff);
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  3] = (byte)((timeAndRatio >> 0) & 0xff);
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  4] = frequency; // this is actually packed into 3 bits, but since it's only one why bother with the fancy code?
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  5] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  6] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  7] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  8] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  9] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 10] = 0x00;
                return true;
            return Off(destinationArray, destinationIndex);

        /// <summary>
        /// This effect resembles <see cref="Vibration(byte[], int, byte, byte, byte)">Vibration</see>
        /// but will oscilate between two amplitudes.
        /// This is not an offical effect and may be removed in a future DualSense firmware.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="destinationArray">The byte[] that receives the data.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the destinationArray at which storing begins.</param>
        /// <param name="startPosition">The starting zone of the trigger effect. Must be between 0 and 8 inclusive.</param>
        /// <param name="endPosition">The ending zone of the trigger effect. Must be between <paramref name="startPosition"/> and 9 inclusive.</param>
        /// <param name="amplitudeA">Primary strength of cycling action. Must be between 0 and 7 inclusive.</param>
        /// <param name="amplitudeB">Secondary strength of cycling action. Must be between 0 and 7 inclusive.</param>
        /// <param name="frequency">Frequency of the automatic cycling action in hertz.</param>
        /// <param name="period">Period of the oscillation between <paramref name="amplitudeA"/> and <paramref name="amplitudeB"/> in tenths of a second.</param>
        /// <returns>The success of the effect write.</returns>
        static public bool Machine(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte startPosition, byte endPosition, byte amplitudeA, byte amplitudeB, byte frequency, byte period)
            if (startPosition > 8)
                return false;
            if (endPosition > 9)
                return false;
            if (endPosition <= startPosition)
                return false;
            if (amplitudeA > 7)
                return false;
            if (amplitudeB > 7)
                return false;
            if (frequency > 0)
                UInt16 startAndStopZones = (UInt16)((1 << startPosition) | (1 << endPosition));
                UInt32 strengthPair = (UInt32)(((amplitudeA & 0x07) << (3 * 0))
                                             | ((amplitudeB & 0x07) << (3 * 1)));

                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  0] = (byte)TriggerEffectType.Machine;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  1] = (byte)((startAndStopZones >> 0) & 0xff);
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  2] = (byte)((startAndStopZones >> 8) & 0xff);
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  3] = (byte)((strengthPair >> 0) & 0xff);
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  4] = frequency;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  5] = period;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  6] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  7] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  8] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  9] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 10] = 0x00;
                return true;
            return Off(destinationArray, destinationIndex);
        #endregion Unofficial but Unique Effects

        #region Simple Effects
        /// <summary>
        /// Simplistic Feedback effect data generator.
        /// This is not an offical effect and has an offical alternative. It may be removed in a future DualSense firmware.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Use <see cref="Feedback(byte[], int, byte, byte)"/> instead.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="destinationArray">The byte[] that receives the data.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the destinationArray at which storing begins.</param>
        /// <param name="position">The starting zone of the trigger effect.</param>
        /// <param name="strength">The force of the resistance.</param>
        /// <returns>The success of the effect write.</returns>
        static public bool Simple_Feedback(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte position, byte strength)
            destinationArray[destinationIndex +  0] = (byte)TriggerEffectType.Simple_Feedback;
            destinationArray[destinationIndex +  1] = position;
            destinationArray[destinationIndex +  2] = strength;
            destinationArray[destinationIndex +  3] = 0x00;
            destinationArray[destinationIndex +  4] = 0x00;
            destinationArray[destinationIndex +  5] = 0x00;
            destinationArray[destinationIndex +  6] = 0x00;
            destinationArray[destinationIndex +  7] = 0x00;
            destinationArray[destinationIndex +  8] = 0x00;
            destinationArray[destinationIndex +  9] = 0x00;
            destinationArray[destinationIndex + 10] = 0x00;
            return true;

        /// <summary>
        /// Simplistic Weapon effect data generator.
        /// This is not an offical effect and has an offical alternative. It may be removed in a future DualSense firmware.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Use <see cref="Weapon(byte[], int, byte, byte, byte)"/> instead.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="destinationArray">The byte[] that receives the data.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the destinationArray at which storing begins.</param>
        /// <param name="startPosition">The starting zone of the trigger effect.</param>
        /// <param name="endPosition">The ending zone of the trigger effect.</param>
        /// <param name="strength">The force of the resistance.</param>
        /// <returns>The success of the effect write.</returns>
        static public bool Simple_Weapon(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte startPosition, byte endPosition, byte strength)
            destinationArray[destinationIndex +  0] = (byte)TriggerEffectType.Simple_Weapon;
            destinationArray[destinationIndex +  1] = startPosition;
            destinationArray[destinationIndex +  2] = endPosition;
            destinationArray[destinationIndex +  3] = strength;
            destinationArray[destinationIndex +  4] = 0x00;
            destinationArray[destinationIndex +  5] = 0x00;
            destinationArray[destinationIndex +  6] = 0x00;
            destinationArray[destinationIndex +  7] = 0x00;
            destinationArray[destinationIndex +  8] = 0x00;
            destinationArray[destinationIndex +  9] = 0x00;
            destinationArray[destinationIndex + 10] = 0x00;
            return true;

        /// <summary>
        /// Simplistic Vibration effect data generator.
        /// This is not an offical effect and has an offical alternative. It may be removed in a future DualSense firmware.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Use <see cref="Vibration(byte[], int, byte, byte, byte)"/> instead.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="destinationArray">The byte[] that receives the data.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the destinationArray at which storing begins.</param>
        /// <param name="position">The starting zone of the trigger effect.</param>
        /// <param name="amplitude">Strength of the automatic cycling action.</param>
        /// <param name="frequency">Frequency of the automatic cycling action in hertz.</param>
        /// <returns>The success of the effect write.</returns>
        static public bool Simple_Vibration(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte position, byte amplitude, byte frequency)
            if (frequency > 0 && amplitude > 0)
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  0] = (byte)TriggerEffectType.Simple_Vibration;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  1] = frequency;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  2] = amplitude;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  3] = position;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  4] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  5] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  6] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  7] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  8] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  9] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 10] = 0x00;
                return true;
            return Off(destinationArray, destinationIndex);
        #endregion Simple Effects

        #region Limited Effects
        /// <summary>
        /// Simplistic Feedback effect data generator with stricter paramater limits.
        /// This is not an offical effect and has an offical alternative. It may be removed in a future DualSense firmware.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Use <see cref="Feedback(byte[], int, byte, byte)"/> instead.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="destinationArray">The byte[] that receives the data.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the destinationArray at which storing begins.</param>
        /// <param name="position">The starting zone of the trigger effect.</param>
        /// <param name="strength">The force of the resistance. Must be between 0 and 10 inclusive.</param>
        /// <returns>The success of the effect write.</returns>
        static public bool Limited_Feedback(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte position, byte strength)
            if (strength > 10)
                return false;
            if (strength > 0)
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  0] = (byte)TriggerEffectType.Limited_Feedback;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  1] = position;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  2] = strength;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  3] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  4] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  5] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  6] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  7] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  8] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  9] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 10] = 0x00;
                return true;
            return Off(destinationArray, destinationIndex);

        /// <summary>
        /// Simplistic Weapon effect data generator with stricter paramater limits.
        /// This is not an offical effect and has an offical alternative. It may be removed in a future DualSense firmware.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Use <see cref="Weapon(byte[], int, byte, byte, byte)"/> instead.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="destinationArray">The byte[] that receives the data.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the destinationArray at which storing begins.</param>
        /// <param name="startPosition">The starting zone of the trigger effect. Must be 16 or higher.</param>
        /// <param name="endPosition">The ending zone of the trigger effect. Must be between <paramref name="startPosition"/> and <paramref name="startPosition"/>+100 inclusive.</param>
        /// <param name="strength">The force of the resistance. Must be between 0 and 10 inclusive.</param>
        /// <returns>The success of the effect write.</returns>
        static public bool Limited_Weapon(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte startPosition, byte endPosition, byte strength)
            if (startPosition < 0x10)
                return false;
            if (endPosition < startPosition || (startPosition + 100) < endPosition)
                return false;
            if (strength > 10)
                return false;
            if (strength > 0)
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  0] = (byte)TriggerEffectType.Limited_Weapon;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  1] = startPosition;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  2] = endPosition;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  3] = strength;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  4] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  5] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  6] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  7] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  8] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex +  9] = 0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 10] = 0x00;
                return true;
            return Off(destinationArray, destinationIndex);
        #endregion Limited Effects

        /// <summary>
        /// Interface adapaters patterned after Apple's GCDualSenseAdaptiveTrigger classs.
        /// </summary>
        public static class Apple
            /// <summary>
            /// Sets the adaptive trigger to feedback mode. The start position and strength of the effect can be set arbitrarily. The trigger arm will continue to provide a
            /// constant degree of feedback whenever it is depressed further than the start position.
            /// </summary>
            /// <remarks>
            /// Documentation ported from Apple's API Docs.
            /// </remarks>
            /// <seealso cref="Off(byte[], int)"/>
            /// <param name="destinationArray">The byte[] that receives the data.</param>
            /// <param name="destinationIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the destinationArray at which storing begins.</param>
            /// <returns>The success of the effect write.</returns>
            static public bool SetModeOff(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex) =>
                Off(destinationArray, destinationIndex);

            /// <summary>
            /// Sets the adaptive trigger to feedback mode. The start position and strength of the effect can be set arbitrarily. The trigger arm will continue to provide a
            /// constant degree of feedback whenever it is depressed further than the start position.
            /// </summary>
            /// <remarks>
            /// Documentation ported from Apple's API Docs.
            /// </remarks>
            /// <seealso cref="Feedback(byte[], int, byte, byte)"/>
            /// <param name="destinationArray">The byte[] that receives the data.</param>
            /// <param name="destinationIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the destinationArray at which storing begins.</param>
            /// <param name="startPosition">A normalized float from [0-1], with 0 representing the smallest possible trigger depression and 1 representing the maximum trigger depression.</param>
            /// <param name="resistiveStrength">A normalized float from [0-1], with 0 representing the minimum effect strength (off entirely) and 1 representing the maximum effect strength.</param>
            /// <returns>The success of the effect write.</returns>
            static public bool SetModeFeedbackWithStartPosition(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, float startPosition, float resistiveStrength)
                startPosition = (float)Math.Round(startPosition * 9.0f);
                resistiveStrength = (float)Math.Round(resistiveStrength * 8.0f);
                return Feedback(destinationArray, destinationIndex, (byte)startPosition, (byte)resistiveStrength);

            /// <summary>
            /// Sets the adaptive trigger to weapon mode. The start position, end position, and strength of the effect can be set arbitrarily; however the end position must be larger than the start position.
            /// The trigger arm will continue to provide a constant degree of feedback whenever it is depressed further than the start position. Once the trigger arm has been depressed past the end
            /// position, the strength of the effect will immediately fall to zero, providing a "sense of release" similar to that provided by pulling the trigger of a weapon.
            /// </summary>
            /// <remarks>
            /// Documentation ported from Apple's API Docs.
            /// </remarks>
            /// <seealso cref="Weapon(byte[], int, byte, byte, byte)"/>
            /// <param name="destinationArray">The byte[] that receives the data.</param>
            /// <param name="destinationIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the destinationArray at which storing begins.</param>
            /// <param name="startPosition">A normalized float from [0-1], with 0 representing the smallest possible depression and 1 representing the maximum trigger depression. The effect will begin once the trigger is depressed beyond this point.</param>
            /// <param name="endPosition">A normalized float from [0-1], with 0 representing the smallest possible depression and 1 representing the maximum trigger depression. Must be greater than startPosition. The effect will end once the trigger is depressed beyond this point.</param>
            /// <param name="resistiveStrength">A normalized float from [0-1], with 0 representing the minimum effect strength (off entirely) and 1 representing the maximum effect strength.</param>
            /// <returns>The success of the effect write.</returns>
            static public bool SetModeWeaponWithStartPosition(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, float startPosition, float endPosition, float resistiveStrength)
                startPosition = (float)Math.Round(startPosition * 9.0f);
                endPosition = (float)Math.Round(endPosition * 9.0f);
                resistiveStrength = (float)Math.Round(resistiveStrength * 8.0f);
                return Weapon(destinationArray, destinationIndex, (byte)startPosition, (byte)endPosition, (byte)resistiveStrength);

            /// <summary>
            /// Sets the adaptive trigger to vibration mode. The start position, amplitude, and frequency of the effect can be set arbitrarily. The trigger arm will continue to strike against
            /// the trigger whenever it is depressed further than the start position, providing a "sense of vibration".
            /// </summary>
            /// <remarks>
            /// Documentation ported from Apple's API Docs.
            /// </remarks>
            /// <seealso cref="Vibration(byte[], int, byte, byte, byte)"/>
            /// <param name="destinationArray">The byte[] that receives the data.</param>
            /// <param name="destinationIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the destinationArray at which storing begins.</param>
            /// <param name="startPosition">A normalized float from [0-1], with 0 representing the smallest possible depression and 1 representing the maximum trigger depression. The effect will begin once the trigger is depressed beyond this point.</param>
            /// <param name="amplitude">A normalized float from [0-1], with 0 representing the minimum effect strength (off entirely) and 1 representing the maximum effect strength.</param>
            /// <param name="frequency">A normalized float from [0-1], with 0 representing the minimum frequency and 1 representing the maximum frequency of the vibration effect.</param>
            /// <returns>The success of the effect write.</returns>
            static public bool SetModeVibrationWithStartPosition(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, float startPosition, float amplitude, float frequency)
                startPosition = (float)Math.Round(startPosition * 9.0f);
                amplitude = (float)Math.Round(amplitude * 8.0f);
                frequency = (float)Math.Round(frequency * 255.0f);
                return Vibration(destinationArray, destinationIndex, (byte)startPosition, (byte)amplitude, (byte)frequency);

            /// <summary>
            /// Sets the adaptive trigger to feedback mode. The strength of the effect can be set arbitrarily per zone.
            /// This implementation is not confirmed.
            /// </summary>
            /// <remarks>
            /// Documentation ported from Apple's API Docs.
            /// </remarks>
            /// <seealso cref="MultiplePositionFeedback(byte[], int, byte[])"/>
            /// <param name="destinationArray">The byte[] that receives the data.</param>
            /// <param name="destinationIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the destinationArray at which storing begins.</param>
            /// <param name="positionalResistiveStrengths">An array of 10 normalized floats from [0-1], with 0 representing the minimum effect strength (off entirely) and 1 representing the maximum effect strength.</param>
            /// <returns>The success of the effect write.</returns>
            static public bool SetModeFeedback(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, float[] positionalResistiveStrengths)
                if (positionalResistiveStrengths.Length != 10) return false;

                byte[] force = new byte[10];
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    force[i] = (byte)Math.Round(positionalResistiveStrengths[i] * 8.0f);

                return MultiplePositionFeedback(destinationArray, destinationIndex, force);

            /// <summary>
            /// Sets the adaptive trigger to feedback mode. The strength of the effect will change across zones based on a slope.
            /// This implementation is not confirmed.
            /// </summary>
            /// <remarks>
            /// Documentation ported from Apple's API Docs.
            /// </remarks>
            /// <seealso cref="MultiplePositionFeedback(byte[], int, byte)"/>
            /// <param name="destinationArray">The byte[] that receives the data.</param>
            /// <param name="destinationIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the destinationArray at which storing begins.</param>
            /// <param name="startPosition">A normalized float from [0-1], with 0 representing the smallest possible depression and 1 representing the maximum trigger depression. The effect will begin once the trigger is depressed beyond this point.</param>
            /// <param name="endPosition">A normalized float from [0-1], with 0 representing the smallest possible depression and 1 representing the maximum trigger depression. Must be greater than startPosition. The effect will end once the trigger is depressed beyond this point.</param>
            /// <param name="startStrength">A normalized float from [0-1], with 0 representing the minimum effect strength (off entirely) and 1 representing the maximum effect strength.</param>
            /// <param name="endStrength">A normalized float from [0-1], with 0 representing the minimum effect strength (off entirely) and 1 representing the maximum effect strength.</param>
            /// <returns>The success of the effect write.</returns>
            static public bool setModeSlopeFeedback(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, float startPosition, float endPosition, float startStrength, float endStrength)
                startPosition = (float)Math.Round(startPosition * 9.0f);
                endPosition = (float)Math.Round(endPosition * 9.0f);
                startStrength = (float)Math.Round(startStrength * 8.0f);
                endStrength = (float)Math.Round(endStrength * 8.0f);

                return SlopeFeedback(destinationArray, destinationIndex, (byte)startPosition, (byte)endPosition, (byte)startStrength, (byte)endStrength);

            /// <summary>
            /// Sets the adaptive trigger to vibration mode. The frequency of the effect can be set arbitrarily and the amplitude arbitrarily per zone.
            /// This implementation is not confirmed.
            /// </summary>
            /// <remarks>
            /// Documentation ported from Apple's API Docs.
            /// </remarks>
            /// <seealso cref="MultiplePositionVibration(byte[], int, byte, byte[])"/>
            /// <param name="destinationArray">The byte[] that receives the data.</param>
            /// <param name="destinationIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the destinationArray at which storing begins.</param>
            /// <param name="positionalAmplitudes">An array of 10 normalized floats from [0-1], with 0 representing the minimum effect strength (off entirely) and 1 representing the maximum effect strength.</param>
            /// <param name="frequency">A normalized float from [0-1], with 0 representing the minimum frequency and 1 representing the maximum frequency of the vibration effect.</param>
            /// <returns>The success of the effect write.</returns>
            static public bool setModeVibration(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, float[] positionalAmplitudes, float frequency)
                if (positionalAmplitudes.Length != 10) return false;

                frequency = (float)Math.Round(frequency * 255.0f);

                byte[] strength = new byte[10];
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    strength[i] = (byte)Math.Round(positionalAmplitudes[i] * 8.0f);

                return MultiplePositionVibration(destinationArray, destinationIndex, (byte)frequency, strength);

        /// <summary>
        /// Interface adapaters patterned after reWASD's actual interface.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This information is based on sniffing the USB traffic from reWASD. Broken implementations are kept though immaterial inaccuracies are corrected.
        /// </remarks>
        public static class ReWASD
            /// <summary>
            /// Full Press trigger stop effect data generator.
            /// </summary>
            /// <remarks>
            /// Uses Simple_Weapon with a start value of 0x90, end value of 0xa0, and a force of 0xff.
            /// </remarks>
            /// <seealso cref="Simple_Weapon(byte[], int, byte, byte, byte)"/>
            /// <seealso cref="Weapon(byte[], int, byte, byte, byte)"/>
            /// <param name="destinationArray">The byte[] that receives the data.</param>
            /// <param name="destinationIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the destinationArray at which storing begins.</param>
            /// <returns>The success of the effect write.</returns>
            static public bool FullPress(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex) =>
                Simple_Weapon(destinationArray, destinationIndex, 0x90, 0xa0, 0xff);

            /// <summary>
            /// Soft Press trigger stop effect data generator.
            /// </summary>
            /// <remarks>
            /// Uses Simple_Weapon with a start value of 0x70, end value of 0xa0, and a force of 0xff.
            /// </remarks>
            /// <seealso cref="Simple_Weapon(byte[], int, byte, byte, byte)"/>
            /// <seealso cref="Weapon(byte[], int, byte, byte, byte)"/>
            /// <param name="destinationArray">The byte[] that receives the data.</param>
            /// <param name="destinationIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the destinationArray at which storing begins.</param>
            /// <returns>The success of the effect write.</returns>
            static public bool SoftPress(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex) =>
                Simple_Weapon(destinationArray, destinationIndex, 0x70, 0xa0, 0xff);

            /// <summary>
            /// Medium Press trigger stop effect data generator.
            /// </summary>
            /// <remarks>
            /// Uses Simple_Weapon with a start value of 0x45, end value of 0xa0, and a force of 0xff.
            /// </remarks>
            /// <seealso cref="Simple_Weapon(byte[], int, byte, byte, byte)"/>
            /// <seealso cref="Weapon(byte[], int, byte, byte, byte)"/>
            /// <param name="destinationArray">The byte[] that receives the data.</param>
            /// <param name="destinationIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the destinationArray at which storing begins.</param>
            /// <returns>The success of the effect write.</returns>
            static public bool MediumPress(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex) =>
                Simple_Weapon(destinationArray, destinationIndex, 0x45, 0xa0, 0xff);

            /// <summary>
            /// Hard Press trigger stop effect data generator.
            /// </summary>
            /// <remarks>
            /// Uses Simple_Weapon with a start value of 0x20, end value of 0xa0, and a force of 0xff.
            /// </remarks>
            /// <seealso cref="Simple_Weapon(byte[], int, byte, byte, byte)"/>
            /// <seealso cref="Weapon(byte[], int, byte, byte, byte)"/>
            /// <param name="destinationArray">The byte[] that receives the data.</param>
            /// <param name="destinationIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the destinationArray at which storing begins.</param>
            /// <returns>The success of the effect write.</returns>
            static public bool HardPress(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex) =>
                Simple_Weapon(destinationArray, destinationIndex, 0x20, 0xa0, 0xff);

            /// <summary>
            /// Pulse trigger stop effect data generator.
            /// </summary>
            /// <remarks>
            /// Uses Simple_Weapon with a start value of 0x00, end value of 0x00, and a force of 0x00.
            /// </remarks>
            /// <seealso cref="Simple_Weapon(byte[], int, byte, byte, byte)"/>
            /// <seealso cref="Weapon(byte[], int, byte, byte, byte)"/>
            /// <param name="destinationArray">The byte[] that receives the data.</param>
            /// <param name="destinationIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the destinationArray at which storing begins.</param>
            /// <returns>The success of the effect write.</returns>
            static public bool Pulse(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex) =>
                Simple_Weapon(destinationArray, destinationIndex, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00);

            /// <summary>
            /// Choppy resistance effect data generator.
            /// </summary>
            /// <remarks>
            /// Abuses Feedback effect to set a resistance in 3 of 10 trigger regions.
            /// </remarks>
            /// <seealso cref="Feedback(byte[], int, byte, byte)"/>
            /// <param name="destinationArray">The byte[] that receives the data.</param>
            /// <param name="destinationIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the destinationArray at which storing begins.</param>
            /// <returns>The success of the effect write.</returns>
            static public bool Choppy(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex)
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 0] = (byte)TriggerEffectType.Feedback;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 1] = (byte)0x02; // region enables
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 2] = (byte)0x27; // region enables
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 3] = (byte)0x18; // reWASD uses 0x1f here, but some bits apply to regions not enabled above
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 4] = (byte)0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 5] = (byte)0x00; // reWASD uses 0x27 here, but some bits apply to regions not enabled above
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 6] = (byte)0x26;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 7] = (byte)0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 8] = (byte)0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 9] = (byte)0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 10] = (byte)0x00;
                return true;

            /// <summary>
            /// Soft Rigidity feedback effect data generator.
            /// </summary>
            /// <remarks>
            /// Uses Simple_Feedback with a start value of 0x00 and a force of 0x00.
            /// </remarks>
            /// <seealso cref="Simple_Feedback(byte[], int, byte, byte)"/>
            /// <seealso cref="Feedback(byte[], int, byte, byte)"/>
            /// <param name="destinationArray">The byte[] that receives the data.</param>
            /// <param name="destinationIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the destinationArray at which storing begins.</param>
            /// <returns>The success of the effect write.</returns>
            static public bool SoftRigidity(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex) =>
                Simple_Feedback(destinationArray, destinationIndex, 0x00, 0x00);

            /// <summary>
            /// Medium Rigidity feedback effect data generator.
            /// </summary>
            /// <remarks>
            /// Uses Simple_Feedback with a start value of 0x00 and a force of 0x64.
            /// </remarks>
            /// <seealso cref="Simple_Feedback(byte[], int, byte, byte)"/>
            /// <seealso cref="Feedback(byte[], int, byte, byte)"/>
            /// <param name="destinationArray">The byte[] that receives the data.</param>
            /// <param name="destinationIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the destinationArray at which storing begins.</param>
            /// <returns>The success of the effect write.</returns>
            static public bool MediumRigidity(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex) =>
                Simple_Feedback(destinationArray, destinationIndex, 0x00, 0x64);

            /// <summary>
            /// Max Rigidity feedback effect data generator.
            /// </summary>
            /// <remarks>
            /// Uses Simple_Feedback with a start value of 0x00 and a force of 0xdc.
            /// </remarks>
            /// <seealso cref="Simple_Feedback(byte[], int, byte, byte)"/>
            /// <seealso cref="Feedback(byte[], int, byte, byte)"/>
            /// <param name="destinationArray">The byte[] that receives the data.</param>
            /// <param name="destinationIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the destinationArray at which storing begins.</param>
            /// <returns>The success of the effect write.</returns>
            static public bool MaxRigidity(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex) =>
                Simple_Feedback(destinationArray, destinationIndex, 0x00, 0xdc);

            /// <summary>
            /// Half Press feedback effect data generator.
            /// </summary>
            /// <remarks>
            /// Uses Simple_Feedback with a start value of 0x55 and a force of 0x64.
            /// </remarks>
            /// <seealso cref="Simple_Feedback(byte[], int, byte, byte)"/>
            /// <seealso cref="Feedback(byte[], int, byte, byte)"/>
            /// <param name="destinationArray">The byte[] that receives the data.</param>
            /// <param name="destinationIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the destinationArray at which storing begins.</param>
            /// <returns>The success of the effect write.</returns>
            static public bool HalfPress(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex) =>
                Simple_Feedback(destinationArray, destinationIndex, 0x55, 0x64);

            /// <summary>
            /// Rifle vibration effect data generator with some wasted bits.
            /// Bad coding from reWASD was faithfully replicated.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="destinationArray">The byte[] that receives the data.</param>
            /// <param name="destinationIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the destinationArray at which storing begins.</param>
            /// <param name="frequency">Frequency of the automatic cycling action in hertz. Must be between 2 and 20 inclusive.</param>
            /// <returns>The success of the effect write.</returns>
            static public bool Rifle(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte frequency = 10)
                if (frequency < 2)
                    return false;
                if (frequency > 20)
                    return false;

                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 0] = (byte)TriggerEffectType.Vibration;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 1] = (byte)0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 2] = (byte)0x03; // reWASD uses 0xFF here but the top 6 bits are unused
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 3] = (byte)0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 4] = (byte)0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 5] = (byte)0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 6] = (byte)0x3F; // reWASD uses 0xFF here but the top 2 bits are unused
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 7] = (byte)0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 8] = (byte)0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 9] = frequency;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 10] = (byte)0x00;
                return true;

            /// <summary>
            /// Vibration vibration effect with incorrect strength handling.
            /// Bad coding from reWASD was faithfully replicated.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="destinationArray">The byte[] that receives the data.</param>
            /// <param name="destinationIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the destinationArray at which storing begins.</param>
            /// <param name="strength">Strength of the automatic cycling action. Must be between 1 and 255 inclusive. This is two 3 bit numbers with the remaining 2 high bits unused. Yes, reWASD uses this value incorrectly.</param>
            /// <param name="frequency">Frequency of the automatic cycling action in hertz. Must be between 1 and 255 inclusive.</param>
            /// <returns>The success of the effect write.</returns>
            static public bool Vibration(byte[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, byte strength = 220, byte frequency = 30)
                if (strength < 1)
                    return false;
                if (frequency < 1)
                    return false;

                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 0] = (byte)TriggerEffectType.Vibration;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 1] = (byte)0x00; // reWASD uses 0x1E here but this is invalid and is ignored save for minor glitches
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 2] = (byte)0x03; // reWASD uses 0xFF here but the top 6 bits are unused
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 3] = (byte)0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 4] = (byte)0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 5] = (byte)0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 6] = strength; // reWASD maxes at 0xFF here but the top 2 bits are unused
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 7] = (byte)0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 8] = (byte)0x00;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 9] = frequency;
                destinationArray[destinationIndex + 10] = (byte)0x00;
                return true;

Input Reports[]

struct TouchFingerData { // 4
/*0.0*/ uint32_t Index : 7;
/*0.7*/ uint32_t NotTouching : 1;
/*1.0*/ uint32_t FingerX : 12;
/*2.4*/ uint32_t FingerY : 12;

struct TouchData { // 9
/*0*/ TouchFingerData[2] Finger;
/*8*/ uint8_t Timestamp;

struct BTSimpleGetStateData { // 9
/*0  */ uint8_t LeftStickX;
/*1  */ uint8_t LeftStickY;
/*2  */ uint8_t RightStickX;
/*3  */ uint8_t RightStickY;
/*4.0*/ Direction DPad : 4;
/*4.4*/ uint8_t ButtonSquare : 1;
/*4.5*/ uint8_t ButtonCross : 1;
/*4.6*/ uint8_t ButtonCircle : 1;
/*4.7*/ uint8_t ButtonTriangle : 1;
/*5.0*/ uint8_t ButtonL1 : 1;
/*5.1*/ uint8_t ButtonR1 : 1;
/*5.2*/ uint8_t ButtonL2 : 1;
/*5.3*/ uint8_t ButtonR2 : 1;
/*5.4*/ uint8_t ButtonShare : 1;
/*5.5*/ uint8_t ButtonOptions : 1;
/*5.6*/ uint8_t ButtonL3 : 1;
/*5.7*/ uint8_t ButtonR3 : 1;
/*6.1*/ uint8_t ButtonHome : 1;
/*6.2*/ uint8_t ButtonPad : 1;
/*6.3*/ uint8_t Counter : 6;
/*7  */ uint8_t TriggerLeft;
/*8  */ uint8_t TriggerRight;
// anything beyond this point, if set, is invalid junk data that was not cleared

struct USBGetStateData { // 63
/* 0  */ uint8_t LeftStickX;
/* 1  */ uint8_t LeftStickY;
/* 2  */ uint8_t RightStickX;
/* 3  */ uint8_t RightStickY;
/* 4  */ uint8_t TriggerLeft;
/* 5  */ uint8_t TriggerRight;
/* 6  */ uint8_t SeqNo; // always 0x01 on BT
/* 7.0*/ Direction DPad : 4;
/* 7.4*/ uint8_t ButtonSquare : 1;
/* 7.5*/ uint8_t ButtonCross : 1;
/* 7.6*/ uint8_t ButtonCircle : 1;
/* 7.7*/ uint8_t ButtonTriangle : 1;
/* 8.0*/ uint8_t ButtonL1 : 1;
/* 8.1*/ uint8_t ButtonR1 : 1;
/* 8.2*/ uint8_t ButtonL2 : 1;
/* 8.3*/ uint8_t ButtonR2 : 1;
/* 8.4*/ uint8_t ButtonCreate : 1;
/* 8.5*/ uint8_t ButtonOptions : 1;
/* 8.6*/ uint8_t ButtonL3 : 1;
/* 8.7*/ uint8_t ButtonR3 : 1;
/* 9.0*/ uint8_t ButtonHome : 1;
/* 9.1*/ uint8_t ButtonPad : 1;
/* 9.2*/ uint8_t ButtonMute : 1;
/* 9.3*/ uint8_t UNK1 : 1; // appears unused
/* 9.4*/ uint8_t ButtonLeftFunction : 1; // DualSense Edge
/* 9.5*/ uint8_t ButtonRightFunction : 1; // DualSense Edge
/* 9.6*/ uint8_t ButtonLeftPaddle : 1; // DualSense Edge
/* 9.7*/ uint8_t ButtonRightPaddle : 1; // DualSense Edge
/*10  */ uint8_t UNK2; // appears unused
/*11  */ uint32_t UNK_COUNTER; // Linux driver calls this reserved, tools leak calls the 2 high bytes "random"
/*15  */ int16_t AngularVelocityX;
/*17  */ int16_t AngularVelocityZ;
/*19  */ int16_t AngularVelocityY;
/*21  */ int16_t AccelerometerX;
/*23  */ int16_t AccelerometerY;
/*25  */ int16_t AccelerometerZ;
/*27  */ uint32_t SensorTimestamp;
/*31  */ int8_t Temperature; // reserved2 in Linux driver
/*32  */ TouchData TouchData;
/*41.0*/ uint8_t TriggerRightStopLocation: 4; // trigger stop can be a range from 0 to 9 (F/9.0 for Apple interface)
/*41.4*/ uint8_t TriggerRightStatus: 4;
/*42.0*/ uint8_t TriggerLeftStopLocation: 4;
/*42.4*/ uint8_t TriggerLeftStatus: 4; // 0 feedbackNoLoad
                                       // 1 feedbackLoadApplied
                                       // 0 weaponReady
                                       // 1 weaponFiring
                                       // 2 weaponFired
                                       // 0 vibrationNotVibrating
                                       // 1 vibrationIsVibrating
/*43  */ uint32_t HostTimestamp; // mirrors data from report write
/*47.0*/ uint8_t TriggerRightEffect: 4; // Active trigger effect, previously we thought this was status max
/*47.4*/ uint8_t TriggerLeftEffect: 4;  // 0 for reset and all other effects
                                        // 1 for feedback effect
                                        // 2 for weapon effect
                                        // 3 for vibration
/*48  */ uint32_t DeviceTimeStamp;
/*52.0*/ uint8_t PowerPercent : 4; // 0x00-0x0A
/*52.4*/ PowerState PowerState : 4;
/*53.0*/ uint8_t PluggedHeadphones : 1;
/*53.1*/ uint8_t PluggedMic : 1;
/*53.2*/ uint8_t MicMuted: 1; // Mic muted by powersave/mute command
/*53.3*/ uint8_t PluggedUsbData : 1;
/*53.4*/ uint8_t PluggedUsbPower : 1;
/*53.5*/ uint8_t PluggedUnk1 : 3;
/*54.0*/ uint8_t PluggedExternalMic : 1; // Is external mic active (automatic in mic auto mode)
/*54.1*/ uint8_t HapticLowPassFilter : 1; // Is the Haptic Low-Pass-Filter active?
/*54.2*/ uint8_t PluggedUnk3 : 6;
/*55  */ uint8_t[8] AesCmac;

struct BTGetStateData { // 77
/* 0*/ USBGetStateData StateData;
/*63*/ uint8_t UNK1; // Oscillates between 00101100 and 00101101 when rumbling
                     // Not affected by rumble volume or enhanced vs normal rumble
                     // Audio rumble not yet tested as this is only on BT
/*64*/ uint8_t BtCrcFailCount;
/*65*/ uint8_t[11] Pad;

HID Report 0x01 Input USB[]

struct ReportIn01USB {
    uint8_t ReportID; // 0x01
    USBGetStateData State;

HID Report 0x01 Input BT[]

struct ReportIn01BT {
    uint8_t ReportID; // 0x01
    BTSimpleGetStateData State;

HID Report 0x31 Input BT[]

struct ReportIn31 {
    union {
        BTCRC<78> CRC;
        struct {
            uint8_t ReportID; // 0x31
            uint8_t HasHID : 1; // Present for packets with state data
            uint8_t HasMic : 1; // Looks mutually exclusive, possible mic data
            uint8_t Unk1 : 2;
            uint8_t SeqNo : 4; // unclear progression
            BTGetStateData State;
        } Data;

Output Reports[]

struct SetStateData { // 47
/*    */ // Report Set Flags
/*    */ // These flags are used to indicate what contents from this report should be processed
/* 0.0*/ uint8_t EnableRumbleEmulation: 1; // Suggest halving rumble strength
/* 0.1*/ uint8_t UseRumbleNotHaptics:   1; // 
/*    */
/* 0.2*/ uint8_t AllowRightTriggerFFB: 1; // Enable setting RightTriggerFFB
/* 0.3*/ uint8_t AllowLeftTriggerFFB: 1;  // Enable setting LeftTriggerFFB
/*    */
/* 0.4*/ uint8_t AllowHeadphoneVolume: 1; // Enable setting VolumeHeadphones
/* 0.5*/ uint8_t AllowSpeakerVolume: 1;   // Enable setting VolumeSpeaker
/* 0.6*/ uint8_t AllowMicVolume: 1;       // Enable setting VolumeMic
/*    */
/* 0.7*/ uint8_t AllowAudioControl: 1; // Enable setting AudioControl section
/* 1.0*/ uint8_t AllowMuteLight: 1;    // Enable setting MuteLightMode
/* 1.1*/ uint8_t AllowAudioMute: 1;    // Enable setting MuteControl section
/*    */
/* 1.2*/ uint8_t AllowLedColor: 1; // Enable RGB LED section
/*    */
/* 1.3*/ uint8_t ResetLights: 1; // Release the LEDs from Wireless firmware control
/*    */                         // When in wireless mode this must be signaled to control LEDs
/*    */                         // This cannot be applied during the BT pair animation.
/*    */                         // SDL2 waits until the SensorTimestamp value is >= 10200000
/*    */                         // before pulsing this bit once.
/*    */
/* 1.4*/ uint8_t AllowPlayerIndicators: 1; // Enable setting PlayerIndicators section
/* 1.5*/ uint8_t AllowHapticLowPassFilter: 1; // Enable HapticLowPassFilter
/* 1.6*/ uint8_t AllowMotorPowerLevel: 1; // MotorPowerLevel reductions for trigger/haptic
/* 1.7*/ uint8_t AllowAudioControl2: 1; // Enable setting AudioControl2 section
/*    */
/* 2  */ uint8_t RumbleEmulationRight; // emulates the light weight
/* 3  */ uint8_t RumbleEmulationLeft; // emulated the heavy weight
/*    */
/* 4  */ uint8_t VolumeHeadphones; // max 0x7f
/* 5  */ uint8_t VolumeSpeaker; // PS5 appears to only use the range 0x3d-0x64
/* 6  */ uint8_t VolumeMic; // not linier, seems to max at 64, 0 is not fully muted
/*    */
/*    */ // AudioControl
/* 7.0*/ uint8_t MicSelect: 2; // 0 Auto
/*    */                       // 1 Internal Only
/*    */                       // 2 External Only
/*    */                       // 3 Unclear, sets external mic flag but might use internal mic, do test
/* 7.2*/ uint8_t EchoCancelEnable: 1;
/* 7.3*/ uint8_t NoiseCancelEnable: 1;
/* 7.4*/ uint8_t OutputPathSelect: 2; // 0 L_R_X
/*    */                              // 1 L_L_X
/*    */                              // 2 L_L_R
/*    */                              // 3 X_X_R
/* 7.6*/ uint8_t InputPathSelect: 2;  // 0 CHAT_ASR
/*    */                              // 1 CHAT_CHAT
/*    */                              // 2 ASR_ASR
/*    */                              // 3 Does Nothing, invalid
/*    */
/* 8  */ MuteLight MuteLightMode;
/*    */
/*    */ // MuteControl
/* 9.0*/ uint8_t TouchPowerSave: 1;
/* 9.1*/ uint8_t MotionPowerSave: 1;
/* 9.2*/ uint8_t HapticPowerSave: 1; // AKA BulletPowerSave
/* 9.3*/ uint8_t AudioPowerSave: 1;
/* 9.4*/ uint8_t MicMute: 1;
/* 9.5*/ uint8_t SpeakerMute: 1;
/* 9.6*/ uint8_t HeadphoneMute: 1;
/* 9.7*/ uint8_t HapticMute: 1; // AKA BulletMute
/*    */
/*10  */ uint8_t[11] RightTriggerFFB;
/*21  */ uint8_t[11] LeftTriggerFFB;
/*32  */ uint32_t HostTimestamp; // mirrored into report read
/*    */
/*    */ // MotorPowerLevel
/*36.0*/ uint8_t TriggerMotorPowerReduction : 4; // 0x0-0x7 (no 0x8?) Applied in 12.5% reductions
/*36.4*/ uint8_t RumbleMotorPowerReduction : 4;  // 0x0-0x7 (no 0x8?) Applied in 12.5% reductions
/*    */
/*    */ // AudioControl2
/*37.0*/ uint8_t SpeakerCompPreGain: 3; // additional speaker volume boost
/*37.3*/ uint8_t BeamformingEnable: 1; // Probably for MIC given there's 2, might be more bits, can't find what it does
/*37.4*/ uint8_t UnkAudioControl2: 4; // some of these bits might apply to the above
/*    */
/*38.0*/ uint8_t AllowLightBrightnessChange: 1; // LED_BRIHTNESS_CONTROL
/*38.1*/ uint8_t AllowColorLightFadeAnimation: 1; // LIGHTBAR_SETUP_CONTROL
/*38.2*/ uint8_t EnableImprovedRumbleEmulation: 1; // Use instead of EnableRumbleEmulation
                                                   // requires FW >= 0x0224
                                                   // No need to halve rumble strength
/*38.3*/ uint8_t UNKBITC: 5; // unused
/*    */
/*39.0*/ uint8_t HapticLowPassFilter: 1;
/*39.1*/ uint8_t UNKBIT: 7;
/*    */
/*40  */ uint8_t UNKBYTE; // previous notes suggested this was HLPF, was probably off by 1
/*    */
/*41  */ LightFadeAnimation LightFadeAnimation;
/*42  */ LightBrightness LightBrightness;
/*    */
/*    */ // PlayerIndicators
/*    */ // These bits control the white LEDs under the touch pad.
/*    */ // Note the reduction in functionality for later revisions.
/*    */ // Generation 0x03 - Full Functionality
/*    */ // Generation 0x04 - Mirrored Only
/*    */ // Suggested detection: (HardwareInfo & 0x00FFFF00) == 0X00000400
/*    */ //
/*    */ // Layout used by PS5:
/*    */ // 0x04 - -x- -  Player 1
/*    */ // 0x06 - x-x -  Player 2
/*    */ // 0x15 x -x- x  Player 3
/*    */ // 0x1B x x-x x  Player 4
/*    */ // 0x1F x xxx x  Player 5* (Unconfirmed)
/*    */ //
/*    */ //                        // HW 0x03 // HW 0x04
/*43.0*/ uint8_t PlayerLight1 : 1; // x --- - // x --- x
/*43.1*/ uint8_t PlayerLight2 : 1; // - x-- - // - x-x -
/*43.2*/ uint8_t PlayerLight3 : 1; // - -x- - // - -x- -
/*43.3*/ uint8_t PlayerLight4 : 1; // - --x - // - x-x -
/*43.4*/ uint8_t PlayerLight5 : 1; // - --- x // x --- x
/*43.5*/ uint8_t PlayerLightFade: 1; // if low player lights fade in, if high player lights instantly change
/*43.6*/ uint8_t PlayerLightUNK : 2;
/*    */
/*    */ // RGB LED
/*44  */ uint8_t LedRed;
/*45  */ uint8_t LedGreen
/*46  */ uint8_t LedBlue;
// Structure ends here though on BT there is padding and a CRC, see ReportOut31

HID Report 0x02 Output USB[]

struct ReportOut02 {
    uint8_t ReportID; // 0x02
    USBSetStateData State;

HID Report 0x31 Output BT[]

struct ReportOut31 {
    union {
        BTCRC<78> CRC;
        struct {
            uint8_t ReportID; // 0x31
            uint8_t UNK1 : 1;      // -+
            uint8_t EnableHID : 1; //  | - these 3 bits seem to act as an enum
            uint8_t UNK2 : 1;      // -+
            uint8_t UNK3 : 1;
            uint8_t SeqNo : 4; // increment for every write // we have no proof of this, need to see some PS5 captures
            SetStateData State;
        } Data;

Feature Reports[]


Reading calibration is required to switch BT input reports from the truncated 0x01 report to the expanded 0x31 report.

Linux hid-sony.c (does this apply to the DualSense?)

/* Set gyroscope calibration and normalization parameters.
 * Data values will be normalized to 1/DS4_GYRO_RES_PER_DEG_S degree/s.
speed_2x = (gyro_speed_plus + gyro_speed_minus);
sc->ds4_calib_data[0].abs_code = ABS_RX;
sc->ds4_calib_data[0].bias = gyro_pitch_bias;
sc->ds4_calib_data[0].sens_numer = speed_2x*DS4_GYRO_RES_PER_DEG_S;
sc->ds4_calib_data[0].sens_denom = gyro_pitch_plus - gyro_pitch_minus;

sc->ds4_calib_data[1].abs_code = ABS_RY;
sc->ds4_calib_data[1].bias = gyro_yaw_bias;
sc->ds4_calib_data[1].sens_numer = speed_2x*DS4_GYRO_RES_PER_DEG_S;
sc->ds4_calib_data[1].sens_denom = gyro_yaw_plus - gyro_yaw_minus;

sc->ds4_calib_data[2].abs_code = ABS_RZ;
sc->ds4_calib_data[2].bias = gyro_roll_bias;
sc->ds4_calib_data[2].sens_numer = speed_2x*DS4_GYRO_RES_PER_DEG_S;
sc->ds4_calib_data[2].sens_denom = gyro_roll_plus - gyro_roll_minus;

/* Set accelerometer calibration and normalization parameters.
 * Data values will be normalized to 1/DS4_ACC_RES_PER_G G.
range_2g = acc_x_plus - acc_x_minus;
sc->ds4_calib_data[3].abs_code = ABS_X;
sc->ds4_calib_data[3].bias = acc_x_plus - range_2g / 2;
sc->ds4_calib_data[3].sens_numer = 2*DS4_ACC_RES_PER_G;
sc->ds4_calib_data[3].sens_denom = range_2g;

range_2g = acc_y_plus - acc_y_minus;
sc->ds4_calib_data[4].abs_code = ABS_Y;
sc->ds4_calib_data[4].bias = acc_y_plus - range_2g / 2;
sc->ds4_calib_data[4].sens_numer = 2*DS4_ACC_RES_PER_G;
sc->ds4_calib_data[4].sens_denom = range_2g;

range_2g = acc_z_plus - acc_z_minus;
sc->ds4_calib_data[5].abs_code = ABS_Z;
sc->ds4_calib_data[5].bias = acc_z_plus - range_2g / 2;
sc->ds4_calib_data[5].sens_numer = 2*DS4_ACC_RES_PER_G;
sc->ds4_calib_data[5].sens_denom = range_2g;
Bluetooth 0x05[]
struct ReportFeatureInCalibrateBT {
    union {
        BTCRC<41> CRC;
        struct {
            uint8_t ReportID; // 0x05 // does this exist on USB? confirm
            int16_t GyroPitchBias;
            int16_t GyroYawBias;
            int16_t GyroRollBias;
            int16_t GyroPitchPlus;
            int16_t GyroPitchMinus;
            int16_t GyroYawPlus;
            int16_t GyroYawMinus;
            int16_t GyroRollPlus;
            int16_t GyroRollMinus;
            int16_t GyroSpeedPlus;
            int16_t GyroSpeedMinus;
            int16_t AccelXPlus;
            int16_t AccelXMinus;
            int16_t AccelYPlus;
            int16_t AccelYMinus;
            int16_t AccelZPlus;
            int16_t AccelZMinus;
            int16_t Unknown;
        } Data;


Need to confirm these on BT

Get All MAC USB[]
struct ReportFeatureInMacAll {
    uint8_t ReportID; // 0x09
    uint8_t[6] ClientMac; // Right to Left
    uint8_t Hard08;
    uint8_t Hard25;
    uint8_t Hard00;
    uint8_t[6] HostMac; // Right to Left
    uint8_t[3] Pad; // Size according to Linux driver

Date and Version[]

Date/Version 0x20 USB/BT[]
struct ReportFeatureInVersion {
    union {
        BTCRC<64> CRC;
        struct {
            uint8_t ReportID; // 0x20
            char[11] BuildDate; // string
            char[8] BuildTime; // string
            uint16_t FwType;
            uint16_t SwSeries;
            uint32_t HardwareInfo; // 0x00FF0000 - Variation
                                   // 0x0000FF00 - Generation
                                   // 0x0000003F - Trial?
                                   // ^ Values tied to enumerations
            uint32_t FirmwareVersion; // 0xAABBCCCC AA.BB.CCCC
            char[12] DeviceInfo;
            uint16_t UpdateVersion;
            char UpdateImageInfo;
            char UpdateUnk;
            uint32_t FwVersion1; // AKA SblFwVersion
                                 // 0xAABBCCCC AA.BB.CCCC
                                 // Ignored for FwType 0
                                 // HardwareVersion used for FwType 1
                                 // Unknown behavior if HardwareVersion < 0.1.38 for FwType 2 & 3
                                 // If HardwareVersion >= 0.1.38 for FwType 2 & 3
            uint32_t FwVersion2; // AKA VenomFwVersion
            uint32_t FwVersion3; // AKA SpiderDspFwVersion AKA BettyFwVer
                                 // May be Memory Control Unit for Non Volatile Storage